22 Januar 2009


the whole success of facebook - where you are supposed to make friends - can not be explained by all the people who want to stay in touch with people they know and like. no: face- as in friendsbook is much more a matter of FOEBOOK - we want to be able to connect with people with know from work, uni and school, who we know well and who interact in our everyday life, and who we highly dislike.
nothing is more satisfying than getting prove to our personal discredit. the boss who only undermines his own un-coolness by uploading freetime pictures of himself, wrong, boring and grammatical wrong comments our colleagues make on pictures and online-stat's of their own friends, that is what makes the thrill of facebook.
we do not only link with our friends but with everybody we know, who get on our nerves because we know them.. 

21 Januar 2009

virtual sexuality..

being the gay man I am, up to date with all the virtual possibilities this cyber world has to offer to my past single life - browsing through gay chat profiles always half shocked half amused me. 
self-perception is a strange thing, and it seems to get worse (hello talentshows 'à la' x-factor and popidol)
in the gay world, at least in virtual one, every even so wabbely belly can and is classified as sporty - defined - more hot than not. i used to look at those pictures and wanted to tell those people: get a mirror, if you have one - clean it! - or kick the financial crises in the head and your old mirror out just to buy a new one. in the homosexual world arrogance is considered sexy - and such comments can be made.

i am not so sure how all this would go down in a straight setting of the same matter. having cleaned out my virtual gay habbits, and profiles for that matter, i was delighted to discover a whole new expericence - also known as facebook.
shockingly, on here it's not only self-perception that goes amiss, but even worse: perception of our friends. its all the 'i love your pics' 'this one is so nice' 'you look so good on this one' - is it pure courtesy or do we really see our friends diffrent than they are? can we not just be honest and tell them the truth - 'sorry you are never really that good looking but this picture should not be published on the world wide net so do as all and especially yourself a favor and take it off' - in the gay virtuallity this makes you an icon -  in the straight one you'd run out of friends in a minute..

19 Januar 2009

the bargain store is open come inside.

my life is likened to a bargain store
and i may have just what you're looking for
if you don't mind the fact
that all the merchandise is used
with a little mending it could be as good as new
(the bargain store, d. parton)

aren't washing mashines the best?

.. the steady, calming sound, the smell, the bubbles, and the assurance that, no matter how dirty before, it will all be washed out.. 
we should get that for anything in our lives, especially for the whole dating experience (I know it made madonna rich, but still..) one story doesn't work out, off it goes, into the datewasher and you walk away as clean as a white thsirt..

18 Januar 2009

on brokeback cowboys vs james bond..

they turend cowboys gay and stopped mister bond from smoking: they didnt stop the cowboys from smoking - smart move, the cowboys win..

always smoke a cigarette after the gym: it's the best! completly contraproductive. (me, every day.. well every day I go there --)

live fast - botox young..

eurovish 09

no need to be a music or a politics expert to know that this year, israel wont make it far with their eurovision act.

16 Januar 2009

airport jogger

Heute, frisch und munter auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, rennt ein Jogger übern Flughafenplatz. 'Ah, ein Kerosin-Jogger' habe ich mir gedacht. Muss genau so gesund sein wie die Mittagssonne-Jogger und die Asphalt-Jogger ganz allgemein.

milk spilled cow ..

.. last night - round midnight snack time-ish, I almost spilled the milk for my m-budget cereals, on my real argentine cow fur carpet (IKEA doesn
t sell swiss ones). Anyway, I did not spill my milk but got to wonder, would cow milk stain on cow fur? Would that not be strangely unnecessary?
Then I started thinking: Why does a person smell her or his own what Germans call 'greeting from Darmstadt' - but do not smell their own sweat stink from under their arms?
Is that like being a teenage boy when you just have to try how your personal pleasure of the palm juice tastes like?
And if that same teenage boy would find his own family potency tasting the best he could imagine, would the cow enjoy her own milk as the best one too?